Saturday, December 3, 2011


Borneo has many beautiful dances. not only that, the dance area borneo very popular among the people outside of Indonesia and Indonesia. Borneo dance much in love by many people because of its beauty, such as dance manasai. Manasai dance is a dance that symbolizes joy. This dance is usually held to welcome guests to the government who comes to Borneo. This dance give "welcome" to guests who visit to Borneo. This dance is usually performed at cultural festivals Mulang Isen is an annual event organized by the local government and assisted by the department of tourism and related agencies, the goal is to attracttourists to visit as well as introduce and preserve local culture so that people outside are also aware of cultural from other areas.This will enrich the national culture of Indonesia nation.Manasai besides dance performed at cultural festivals can find too on daily life of its people. In a traditional wedding ceremony, for example. Dance manasai usually favored by the young to the elderly.This dance is performed by some participants, men and women who stood alternating between men and women in a loop.Starting with all facing into the circle, then spun to the right, while doing forward motion moves counter-clockwise. then facing towards the outside of the circle, turning again towards the leftwhile doing forward motion. And so on while spinning counter-clockwise continued to follow the rhythm of the song of the same association, the song manasai. There is no age limit in this dance. anyone and in any age can join. Joined into a circle dance can be done anytime, to the rhythm of the song. With increasing participants who joined in, then the circle dance will be getting bigger. And the more participants dance,rhythmic music could be further accelerated, and the joy and festive atmosphere would be formed and created.